17th Century Tower Hanger - Order Code 17C6
17th Century Tower Hanger, actually a crude proto mortuary.
Sword Edge
Blade Dimensions
Tower Hanger Re-enactment
17th Century Shell & Ring Guard Hanger - Order Code 17C7
17th Century Shell & Ring Guard hanger.
Shell & Ring Guard Hanger Re-enactment
Copy Of Cromwell Sword - Order Code 17C8
Copy of Cromwell sword traditionally carried by Oliver Cromwell,
at the taking of Drogheda in 1649
Copy of Cromwell sword Re-enactment
Re-production of Cromwell Sword - Order Code 17C9
Reproduction of Cromwell sword traditionally carried by Oliver Cromwell,
Re-production of Cromwell sword Re-enactment
Schiavona - Order Code 17C10
Early Schiavona with shark skin grip.
Schiavona Re-enactment With Shark Skin Grip
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